Levante v T1

Levante v T1
Head to head for the outright title of most extreme road car. Will it be the Caterhan Levante or the Caparo T1?
Road racer shootout

Road racer shootout
We’ve tried KTM’s extraordinary X-Bow on track, now it’s time to see if it works as a road racer. And to find out how it measures up, we’ll be bringin…
Superlight 150

Superlight 150
It was raw and unforgiving at times but the Caterham left us with more positive memories
Zonda-Caterham swap

Zonda-Caterham swap
Harry has borrowed the Caterham, so Henry slums it in the Zonda...
Caterham 150

Caterham 150
There’s no such thing as bad weather with the Caterham, just inappropriate clothing...
Caterham 150

Caterham 150
A weepy radiator on our Caterham meant long trips needed careful preparation
R+T 2007 Ariel Atom

R+T 2007 Ariel Atom
The meatier Cosworth-engined Caterham races the force of nature that is an Ariel Atom
Caterham rival revealed

Caterham rival revealed
Trackday KTM will be developed by Dallara and powered by Audi

We've had exclusive access to its development; now the re-engineered Seven hits the road
Lotus Boss Buys Caterham

Lotus Boss Buys Caterham
The Nearn family sold Caterham Cars for a rumoured £4-5million. The shock announcement was made more intriguing by the news that the purchaser was Ans…