Subaru Impreza: Murtaya home for old Impreza parts
Subaru-based two-seater kits from £11K
The kit car world has become more inventive with its donor cars, and this one, the Murtaya from Adrenaline Motorsport, uses the complete four-wheel-drive running gear from the Subaru Impreza.
Born out of the Delfino project, the Murtaya shares only its (Citroën AX) windscreen and rear bulkhead with its ancestor, and can be bought as a kit from £11,163 or as a turn-key car from £18,125.
Power and performance depends on your (1993-2000) donor vehicle, and Adrenaline reckons that while crash-damaged Scoobies can go through auctions for as little as £99, you’d be better off picking one with an MOT from £1500-£2500. For further information visit