Hennessey Ford GT hits 267mph: video
A Hennessey tuned Ford GT hits 267.6mph at the 2013 Texas Mile speed festival

A Hennessey-powered Ford GT ‘Camo Car’ has set a new top speed record at the twice-yearly Texas Mile speed festival. The military-themed Ford – which now uses a twin-turbocharged 5.7-litre V8 engine utilising 117-octane fuel – hit 267.6mph along the Beevile straight. Owner Mike Heidraker and his crew are no strangers to The Mile or records. Using a 5.4-litre configuration, the camo GT claimed honours in March 2012 with a 257.7mph run, and topped 263mph last autumn. The Ford was set up with help from Kevin Kesterson of Hennessey Performance Engineering. The Texas-based tuners are also behind the Lotus Exige-based 1244bhp Venom GT hypercar. Check out our Venom GT video and Venom GT review.