evo's 2014 trackday dates
Fancy taking your car on track this year? You can meet the evo team and drive our home circuit via evo's 2014 track events

Fancy exploring your car's limits in a fun and safe environment? And having some like-minded car nuts to speak to while you give your tortured brakes a deserved rest? evo's track evenings, sponsored by TW Steel, are the place. 2014's remaining dates at the Bedford Autodrome are below. You might even manage a hot lap with one of evo's road testers in a Fast Fleet star...
Track time runs from 5:30pm to 8:00pm, with signing in starting at 3:30pm. Our track evenings use Bedford's south-west circuit layout, with the noise limit pegged at 101db static and 87.5db drive by. Entry is £125 per vehicle including two drivers; additional drivers cost £30 per person.
Friday August 29 - click here to book now